Personal Sign and Confirmation – Secret Code

I know that you are at the moment tormented by an important and serious problem.  That is why you must follow my instructions and use the secret consecrated Salt exactly as I direct.

Do it right now.  You must do this as soon as possible, before these extremely powerful moments of divine outpourings pass you by.  Your happiness and that of everyone you love depends on it.  Now go and get some ordinary table salt (preferably in a small packet)… and follow my anointed instructions.

To totally prepare yourself for this quickly approaching season of blessing God wants to give you a special “SIGN” to bolster and strengthen your faith.  After you answer and carry out these instructions, use just one or two grains of consecrated Salt to anoint your tongue.  Do this at the exact same time each day for 3 consecutive days.  After the third day, think about the quickly approaching Divine Outpouring of God’s Power that will intensify with each passing day beginning February 23rd.  This outpouring will bring tremendous benefits to you and your entire family.  You’ll notice on the third day that God will give you a sweet taste in your mouth.

God has SEALED THIS IN MY SPIRIT… In Jesus’ Name, use the Salt to taste and see that the Lord is good.  Let Him change the bitterness in your mouth to sweetness by following these instructions and use the salt to anoint your “SEED FOR A MULTIPLIED HARVEST.”  Throw several grains of salt over your seed-gift.  God is leading me to challenge you to sow a seed-gift of $107.00.  Now if that’s impossible and you can in no way do that… sow at least $54.00.  YOU CAN’T COME BEFORE GOD WITH EMPTY HANDS. 

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Donation Total: $107.00