Mission Field Report

Slavik Radchuk Mission Field Report from May 2013

Missionary-Evangelist Slavik Radchuk went to mission’s trip to Ukraine and Russia for 3 weeks. In all those days he spent few days in studio and prepared 11 new radio programs and 17 new television programs. He taught students in bible school in Ukraine how to be missionaries. It was very blessed and powerful leaders conference in Moscow Russia. More than 1100 different leaders came with their wife’s. Slavik preached a massage there title called, “Jonah where are you going…” After his massage there were few couples that came to him, saying Slavik thank you very much for your ministry, because God has saved us through your television broadcast a few years ago. Now I’m a pastor in Siberia, city Novokuznetsk, said brother Vasiliy Torushpanov and his wife Alla.


Slavik also preached in churches and crusades outside under the bright sun. He attended 13 different events within 20 days. Total number of people that attended services ware about 24,000. In those services over 450 people came to the front with tears and asked to pray for forgiveness. People are still very hungry to hear the Gospel, especially young people. God delivered many from drug addiction and amoralities and healed their souls.

One Sunday in Ukraine after his massage at church service, local pastor asked to pray for physically sick people so Slavik started to pray with that pastor. During that prayer one lady in the front asked Slavik if he can go to the back of the church and pray for her brother because he was in his wheel chair and was not able to go to the front because church was packed. So Slavik went to the back of the building, saw him and approached him asking if he believed that Jesus Christ will heal him? He replied, my faith is very small… I can’t walk from my sickness. After few words of encouragement, Slavik prayed for him and after the prayer Slavik returned back to the front to pray for rest of the people. Few minutes passed by… That man ran to front and started to scream, Jesus healed me, Jesus healed me… I can walk now… Look, I can walk by myself…

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